Call for "Joint OPEN SESAME and Instruct Macromolecular Crystallography"

Within the framework of cooperation between the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the international scientific bodies to link scientific research in Egypt and

its global counterpart, Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East | SESAME

The organized body arranges a summer school entitled "Joint OPEN SESAME and Instruct Macromolecular Crystallography" from 30 September to 4 October 2019 in the United Kingdom.

The Summer School of Structural Biology aims to train researchers in the best current methods and practices by providing lectures and practical applications in molecular biology (MX) (bioSAXS), as well as lectures on a range of biophysical characterization methods for sample quality and control.

The organizer has invited 20 participants from SESAME member countries and researchers to support the following:

Travel, accommodation, visa cover and coverage of standard data collection procedures / protocols for MX and BioSAXS followed by advanced data collection methods including microbial data collection, X-ray-based and SEC-SAXS direct inspection.

The participants are selected according to the scientific quality of the project and the curriculum vitae of the applicant (with a recommendation letter from the supervisor or principal researcher, curriculum vitae, a brief description of the research project and a description of the reasons for wanting to attend)

To register at the school please click on this link:

Deadline for submission: 18 May 2019

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