Promoting the participation of university students in political life

The Activities Committee of the Students’ Welfare Department announces that Mansoura University is holding the contest of social research regarding the topic “Methods of promoting the participation of university students in political life”
The following must be considered:
1. The research must be in Microsoft office word format (2 printed copies and a CD)
2. The research shouldn’t exceed 20 pages (size A4)
3. The protocol of scientific research must be followed
4. References and statistics must be stated
5. Must be written in Arabic language
6. Personal details must be on the first page (name, university, faculty, address, phone no.)
7. The contest application form must be completed and attached with the previous.
The application forms are available at Students’ Welfare Office.
Deadline for receiving the researches: 20/2/2014

Contest prizes:
1. First place - 500 LE
2. Second place- 250 LE
3. Third place- 200 LE
4. Fourth place- 150LE
5. Fifth place- 100 LE

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