the first scientific workshop of the continuous dental education unit
On 17/4/2016 was the first scientific workshop of the continuous dental education unit where he began with a lecture of Prof. Amani Badr about the goals and challenges of endodontic treatment and then followed by the word publicity for a sponsored company of the day Novartis about its product CATAFAST and finished the theoretical part with a lecture by Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud on the rotary instrumentation using irace and the use of the microscope in the treatment of the root canal and searching for the second mesiobuccal canal where it was impressing for the attendees to see that canal and 3rd canal also in the same mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molar.
on the practical part, every attendee had his training kit including everything he needs in order to prepare root canal using 3 irace files on resin blocks under the direct supervision of Prof Amany and Dr Mohamed Mahmoud.