قسم علاج الجذور - النشاط البحثى

فهرس المقال

النشاط البحثى
النشر الدولي للابحاث العلمية بقسم علاج الجذور

1- Endodontic surgery in the presence of large periapical lesions. Isabella Perondi, Stefano Corbella, Ahmed Elkabbany, Amany E. Badr, Massimo Del Fabbro, Silvio Taschieri. Quintessence international & JOMS January,2014 30(4):65-71

2- Apexification, apexogenesis and regenerative endodontic procedures: A review of the literature. Corbella S, Ferrara G, El Kabbaney A, Taschieri S. Minerva Stomatologica. 2014; 63(11-12):375-89.

3- Nickel-Titanium versus Stainless Steel Instruments for Orthograde Endodontic Therapy. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Massimo Del Fabbro,Ahmed Mohsen ElKabbany, Stefano Corbella, Valentina Ceresoli, BMT, Amany E. Badr, Silvio Taschieri. Presented orally in PENN ENDO GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM in cooperation with AUSTRIAN SOCIETY OF ENDODONTOLOGY Vienna 2014.

4- Assessment of the mechanical properties of ProTaper Next Nickel-titanium rotary files. A. M. Elnaghy, S. E. Elsaka. Journal of Endodontics 2014; 40:1830-4.

5- Cyclic fatigue resistance of ProTaper Next nickel-titanium rotary files A. M. Elnaghy. International Endodontic Journal 2014; 47:1034-9.

6- Influence of acidic environment on properties of biodentine and white mineral trioxide aggregate: a comparative study. A. M. Elnaghy S. E. Elsaka. Journal of Endodontics, 2014;40(7):953-7.

7- Evaluation of root canal transportation, centering ratio, and remaining dentin thickness associated with ProTaper Next instruments with and without glide path. A. M. Elnaghy, S. E. Elsaka. Journal of Endodontics 2014; 40:2053-6.

8- Influence of QMix irrigant on the micropush-out bond strength of biodentine and white mineral trioxide aggregate. A. M. Elnaghy J Adhesive Dentistry 2014; 16:277-83.

9- Effect of QMix irrigant on bond strength of glass fibre posts to root dentine. A. M. Elnaghy International Endodontic Journal 2014; 47:280-9.


1- Evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of PathFile and ProGlider pathfinding nickel-titanium rotary instruments. A M. Elnaghy S. E. Elsaka. International Endodontic Journal 2015; 48:894-901.

2- Mechanical properties of ProTaper Gold nickel-titanium rotary instruments. A. M. Elnaghy, S. E. Elsaka: International Endodontic Journal, 2016; 49(11): 1073-1078.
3- Microsurgical re-treatment of endodontically treated teeth with incomplete vertical root fracture: a clinical case report. Presented orally in 17th European Society of Endodontology, Biennial Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 17th September 2015.

4- Torsion and bending properties of OneShape and WaveOne instruments. A. M. Elnaghy S. E. Elsaka: Journal of Endodontics 2015; 41:544-7.

5- Cleaning Effectiveness of EndoActivator Irrigation after Single-File and Multi-File Instrumentation Systems Salman, M.I.; Int J Dentistry Oral Sci (2015). 2(1): 35-38.

6- Antibacterial efficacy of Sonicare CanalBrush irrigation after rotary instrumentation of infected root canals. A clinical study. Salman, M. I.; Journal of American Science 2015.

7- Comparative evaluation of three different monoblock obturation systems: an in Vitro and clinical study. Badr A.E., Omar N.S. & Ibrahim M.M. ESE 2015.

8- Shaping ability of single file techniques vs multiple-instrument rotary system in simulated curved canals. Ibrahim M.M, Osama M., El shazli A.H. & Badr A.E., ESE 2015.
9- A finite element study on the mechanical behavior of reciprocating endodontic files. El-Anwar, M.I., Mandorah, A.O., Yousief, S.A., Soliman, T.A., Abd El-Wahab, T.M. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, 2015.


1- Guided Tissue Regeneration Using a Barrier Membrane in Endodontic Surgery. Corbella S, Taschieri S, Elkabbany A, Del Fabbro M, von Arx T. Swiss Dental Journal, 2016; 126(1):13-25.

2- Platelet concentrates for revitalization of immature necrotic teeth: systematic review of the clinical studies. Lolato A, Bucchi C, Taschieri S, El Kabbaney A, Del Fabbro M. Platelets. 2016 Feb 2:1-10. Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.3109/09537104.2015.1131255.

3- Torsional and bending resistance of Wave One Gold, Reciproc and Twisted File Adaptive Instruments S.E, Elsaka, A.M. Elnagy& A.E. Badr. International Endodontic Journal 2016

4- Laboratory comparison of the mechanical properties of TRUShape with several nickel-titanium rotary instruments. A. M. Elnaghy S. E. Elsaka. International Endodontic Journal, 2016 Sep 12. doi: 10.1m/iej.12700.

5- Effect of sodium hypochlorite and saline on cyclic fatigue resistance of WaveOne Gold and Reciproc reciprocating instruments. A. M. Elnaghy S. E. Elsaka: International Endodontic Journal, 2016 Oct 21. doi: 10.11n/iej.12712.

6- Evaluation of root canal transportation, centering ratio, and remaining dentin thickness of TRUShape and ProTaper Next systems in curved root canals using micro-computed tomography. A. M. Elnaghy, A. A. H. Abbas, S. E. Elsaka: Quintessence International, 2016 Sep 26. doi: 10.3290/j.qi. a36895.
7- Effectiveness of XP-endo Finisher, EndoActivator, and File agitation on debris and smear layer removal in curved root canals: a comparative study. A. M. Elnaghy A. M. S. E. Elsaka: Odontology. 2016 May 20
8- Finite element study on continuous rotating versus reciprocating nickel-titanium instruments. El-Anwar, M.i., Yousief, S.A., Kataia, E.M., El-Wahab, T.M.A. Brazilian Dental Journal. 2016 27,(4):p. 436-441

9- Fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth filled with Biodentine and white mineral trioxide aggregate - an in vitro study. A. M.Elnaghy S. E. Elsaka Dental Traumatology 2016;32(2): 116-20.

10- Effect of surface treatments on the flexural properties and adhesion of glass fiber- reinforced composite post to self-adhesive luting agent and radicular dentin A. M. E. S. E. Elsaka. Odontology 2016; 104:60-7.

11- Comparisons among three supplementary irrigation techniques and a calcium hydroxide dressing for bacterial elimination after chemomechanical preparation using the self-adjusting file. Mohamed I. Salman, & Schütt-Gerowitt, Heidi. Future Dental Journal, (2016). 2(1), 37-40.

12- Treatment of a Periodontic-Endodontic Lesion in a Patient with Aggressive Periodontitis. Mina D. Fahmy, Paul G. Luepke, Mohamed S Ibrahim, & Arndt Guentsch,. Case Reports in Dentistry, 2016.

13- Microleakage and marginal adaptation of three root end filling materials : in vitro study. Poster presentation by Islam A. Abd ElAziz Ali N 18th international conference of oral health and maxillo facial surgery in Madrid, Spain 5-6 December 2016.

14- New way to open extracted teeth. Ahmed Shteiwi, Mohamed El Beltagy, Yousry El hawary, Mohamed Mahmoud & Mohamed Sobhy.


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